Friday 8 November 2013


1 Matsya Avatar

2 Koorma Avatar

3 Varaha Avatar

4 Narasimha Avatar

5 Vamana Avatar

6 Parasurama Avatar

7 Rama Avatar

8 Balarama Avatar

9 Krishna Avatar

10 Kalki Avata


First incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Once there was a demon named Somukasuran, who has the face of a horse. He stolen all the Vedas and Sasthras created by Lord Brahma, and he went in to sea. 

Lord Brahma prayed Lord Vishnu to save all Vedas, at once Lord Vishnu changed his form in to Fish, killed Somukasuran and returned all Vedas to Brahma.

 This incident was called as Matsya Avathar of Lord Vishnu and that's why Idol of Lord Vishnu in Matsya Avathar has half- fish shaped and half- God shaped.


Second incarnation of Lord Vishnu. As per legend Lord Vishnu took this Avathar to hold the mountain called Mandara, when Devas and Asuras churn the ocean to get Amirtham.

 Once there was a war between Devas (gods) and the demons (Asuras), in that war Devas lost and the prayed to Lord Vishnu to save them from Demons. Lord Vishnu suggested for a truce, that was both sides should get together and churn the ocean. That truce was agreed by both sides.

 The great mountain Mandara was used as a rod and Snake Vasuki was used as a rope to churn the ocean. All Devas holding the tail of Vasuki and Asuras holding head of the snake.

 Both teams started churning but the mountain Mandara had no base so Lord Vishnu changed his form in to Tortoise and gave balanced to the mountain.


Varaha Avathar is the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Varaham means Pig or boar. As per Legend Lord Vishnu took this avathar to protect the earth, which was hidden by Hiranyaksha in to the ocean. 

Once there was a demon called Hiranyaksha, he prayed Lord Brahma and got the boon that he would be Invincible in battle. Then Hiranyaksh went to heaven and defeated all gods and occupied heaven.

He also fight with Varuna to conquer ocean, thus he undertook the whole earth in this control and finally he took the earth and hidden it under the ocean.

 Lord Vishnu took the form of Varaha and went into ocean. He destroyed the Asuran Hiranyaksha and save the earth
From him.

 Thus Lord Vishnu save all gods and heaven and the entire earth and keep that in his nose. This incident is known as Varaha Avatar. That's why the idol of Lord Vishnu in Dasavatharam has the face of Varaham.


Lord Vishnu took this avathar to save Prahlathan from his father Hiranyakasibu.

 Once There was a saint Durwasav wish to worship Lord Vishnu, so he went to heaven. He was stopped by Jayan and Vijayan, who were the guards of Lord Vishnu, so the saint got angry and he curse them that both of you should leave from heaven and born as a violent human beings. They went to Lord Vishnu and asked remedy for that.

 Lord Vishnu said "I am not able to took back the curse of the Sage" but I can give new boon that is “ you both can come back to me after 3 births as a enemy of me or you can come back to me after 30 births as my devotees.” They said " We wish to come back to you in 3 years".

 As per boon both of them was born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasibu. Hiranyakshya was destroyed by Lord Vishnu in Varaha Avathar.

Hiranyakasibu went to forest to do penance to get more power and life. Hiranyakashipu wanted to be the undisputed ruler of the three worlds - the heaven, the earth and the underworld. He performed severe penance to seek blessing of Brahma for immortality.

 After a long penance God appeared in front of him, suddenly he asked him for immortality. But God refused to give this and he asked he should not die either by human or animal.

Brahma, however, declined, saying "All living beings must face death Hiranyakashipu. You can, however, choose your death wish." Hiranyakashipu then asked for three conditions, as his death wish, "He be killed by someone who is neither human nor a beast, in a time which is neither during the day nor during the night, and in a place which is neither inside nor outside."

 God also granted that boon and disappeared. In the meantime Hiyranyakasibu's wife was pregnant, she was kidnapped by Goddess Indra, to control Hiyranyakasibu. But the sage Naradha adviced Indra to release Hiranyakasibu's wife, so she released her.

 Naradha took that lady to his abode and told some moral stories of Vishnu to her. She was not interested to listening them, but his child in womb heard all stories and by birth he became devotee of Lord Vishnu, he was Prahlada.

 Prahlada when later growing as a
child began to show symptoms of this earlier training by Narada, gradually becoming recognised as a devoted follower of Vishnu, much to his father's disappointment Hiranyakasibu hate is activity of his son and he ordered him leave Lord Vishnu.

 He asked him to show Lord Vishnu, Prahlada said God will be everywhere and anywhere. Hiranyakashibu asked him by pointing to a pillar "is god in this pillar"?, he said "Yes". At once Hiranyakasibu broke the pillar into pieces.

. Hiranyakashipu could not be killed by human, deva or animal, Narasimha is neither one of these, as he is a form of Vishnu incarnate as a part-human, part-animal. He comes upon Hiranyakashipu at twilight (when it is neither day nor night) on the threshold of a courtyard (neither indoors nor out), and puts the demon on his lap (neither earth nor space). Using his nails (neither animate nor inanimate) as weapons, he disembowels and kills the demon.

 Lord Vishnu appeared from that piece in the form of Narasimha and killed Hiranyakashibu and save Prahlada.


Hiranyakasipu had four children. They were Prahladha, Samhradha, Hradha and Anuhradha. Prahladha had a son, Veerochana. Mahabali was the son of Veerochana.

Mahabali practised the political tactics and wisdom learned from his grandfather, Prahlaadha. With his valor, administration of justice and strength of character, Mahabali became Chakravarty (the King of Kings), within a short time.

people at large were happy under the rule of Mahabali, the Asura Chakravarty, who was unfriendly to Brahmins & Devas denied them the comfort and superiority status they enjoyed earlier.

Vamana means Dwarf. Lord Vishnu took this avatar to reduce arrogance of Mahabali, he is grandson of Pragalada. Once Mahabali ruled Pathala-Loka, but he tried to capture other lokas under his ruling. 

So he did a big Yagam, at the end of the yagam, he offered anything to people, whoever went to the palace of him. Lord Vishnu took a form of Dwarf and went to the palace of Mahabali. 

He asked the king for 3 Foot of land for him. The king was really surprised and he said ok. At once Lord Vishnu started measuring his one feet on Pathala-loka and his first step covered all the world below the earth and second step covered all the world above the earth, and there was no place for third step. God asked Mahabali for third foot to measure

The ardent devotee of MahaVishnu, bowed his head in surrender and offered his head to measure the last and the third feet of land. Placing His raised foot on Mahabali’s lowered head, Vaamana pushed him down to Paathaalam (hell).

Lord Vishnu asked the king to wish for a grant and then, the king wished the grant to visit his people once in a year. And from that time onwards, Onam and Mahabali have been associated with each other.


The avatar of Parasurama was to deliver the world from the oppression of the Kshatriya rulers, who strayed from the path of dharma. Parasurama, also known as the "axe-wielding Rama. 

He was born into a Brahmin or priestly family but had the immense physical power and killer instinct than a Kshatriya or the warrior class.
  Parasuramar was the fourth son of Jamadhagni and Renuka. Once there was a sage named Jamadhagi, who tough Vedas and Sastras to children. Parasurama was one of the student of his father, he was so obedient to his father and learnt Vedas from him.

 One day while Vasugi was making the pot, there was a "Gandharva" passed over the sky. She was the reflection of the gandharva in the river water and she forgot herself for a moment. 

By the disturbance of the image, she could not able to do pot on the whole day. She worried and afraid to go home. The sage Jamadhagni know all the facts, because he sensed all these incidents by his mental power.

 So he wanting to punish his wife and ordered Parasurama to do that. Parasurama was very angry with his father, but as a obedient son he was not able to refuse to do that, and he immediately done his father's order.

Father is regarded as the Guru and God for him. Legend has it that Parasurama, at his father's command, chopped off his mother's head, a heinous task that his brothers refused. Pleased with his obedience, when his father asked him to choose a boon, Parasurama without wished her mother back to life!

Once Parshurama went to see Lord Shiva on Kailasha . Lord Ganesha came into his way, who was ordered by his mother Parvati to prevent anybody to come and disturb them. Parshurama threatned ganesha and ask him to fight with him if he want to stop him from meeting Shiva. In this fight Parshurama cutt off Ganesha left Tusk. 

when Goddess Parvati saw this she lost her temper. godess took the form of Adhhi Shakti in anger that even shiva was unable to please him. She told that Parshurama is not satisfied with the blood of Kastriya’s that he wants to harm my son. 

Ganesha asked his Mother to forgive Parshurama and he some how succeded in pleasing his mother. Parshurama was so pleased with Ganesha that he gave him his parshu and blessed him.

An unrighteous king once stole his father's magic cow 'Kamadhenu' - a symbol of abundance, an animal that fulfills all desires. In order to avenge the theft, Parasurama killed the king.

 When he came home, his father was not at all pleased with his conduct. He severely reprimanded Parasurama for forgetting his own dharma, that of forbearance and forgiveness and commanded him to undertake a countrywide pilgrimage to expiate the sin.


Rama Avatar is also known as Dharma Avatar.
As per legend King Dasarathan ruled Ayodhya and he made his people happy by his ruling. But the king had no children, so he performed Asuvameda yaga to get child.

 As the result Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Strugun were born to his three wifes. Rama is avatar of Lord Vishnu. Rama married Sitha Devi, who was daughter of king Janakan. By the ruse of kaikeyi Rama went to forest along with Sitha for 14 years. This is called Vanavasam. Rama setup a ashram in the forest and settled with his wife and brother Lakshmanan.

 One day Rama went out from the ashram and he asked Lakshmanan to take care Sitha. 
Meantime, Ravanan, an Asuran saw sitha Devi and he impressed by her beauty. So he changed his form as a saint and kidnapped her to Lanka.

 He carried her in a chariot on the sky, Jatayu the eagle who noticed this incident and helped Rama to save Sitha. Sugriva is king of monkeys also helped Rama to defeat demon king Ravana.


Balram Avathar is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This avatar took place between Ram avatar and Krishna avatar as elder brother of Sri Krishna.  He is regarded as incarnation of Seshanag. Balarama was the son of Vasudeva and Rohini. There is believe that, Lord Vishnu takes Lakshmana as his elder brother, who is the younger brother of Lord Vishnu in his Rama Avathar.

He was conceived as seventh child in the womb of Devaki.  Devaki had a divine feeling right from the time of conception of this child.  Under orders from the Lord, to save this child from the clutches of Kamsa, Yogamaya transferred this foetus to the womb of Rohini (the other wife of Vasudeva).

His mission was service to Sri Krishna and assisting him in the creation of material things as also maintenance of spiritual world. It is believed that it was Lakshmana and Sri Rama who reincarnated as Balaram and Sri Krishna. He is a protector from material desires and symbolises honesty and simplicity because he was incarnation of Ananthaseshan.

  It is believed that if one wants to progress spiritually and to attain Lord’s lotus feet faster, one should worship him first.
He had divine strength and was honest and simple.  His weapon was Haldar (plough) and was therefore called Haladar. He is considered God of farmers. If Krishna is the creator, Balaram is considered as creative energy.


Once there was a king called Kamsan , ruled cruel . His sister Devaki who married Vasudeva. One day Yogamaya appeared in front of Kamsa and said, The eighth child of Devaki, who is going to born in "Rohini" Star will kill him.

 So Kamsa was confused and he planned to kill Devaki's child when ever devaki gave birth. By this action of Devaki's brother , she was so unhappy and she prayed Lord Vishnu.

 Lord Vishnu appeared in front of them and said " I will be born as your eighth child and kill Kamsa". As per his words Lord Vishnu born as Sri Krishna and killed Kamsan.


Kalki Avatar is the tenth and last incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu took this avatar to save us from all of our sins and protect this Kaliugam.

Paritranaya saadunaam vinashayasa dushkrudham dharma samsthaba
narthaya sambavami yuge yuge

Meaning of this words is " Whenever evil took it head over and abolish good things, and destroy the world, I will come and defeat the evil and save the world" .